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Chi Yang’s Statement 


    As we live in an environment which constantly conditions us to perceive things from a standard perspective, we often fail to recognize the tendency to observe things from an alternative view point. 


    Through optical lens and digital manipulation, I was able to form an image of a euphoric atmosphere. By placing the torso into the space, the body highlighted the juxtaposition between micro and macro, light and dark, vigorous and fragile. This process of blending has inspired me to expand this project further, with a goal in mind to investigate the dependability of our perceptions and the nature of our reality through the contrasts of scales, fashion image history and textile references.


    In the final phase of the production, the square images have elevated to a more advanced process of melding reality with fantasy. By capturing the images with traditional instant film and new studio lighting system techniques, the images appeared more "real" to my perspective, as it added a touch of realism to this hypothetical reality through analog photographic medium.


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In every drop, a hundred rivers are flowing.

In the heart of any particle, a sun is glowing.


—— Rumi

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